Today I thought I'd write about a typical energy pattern that can reside in the body. That can be experienced also when giving and receiving reiki.
Sometimes a person may have healthier lower chakras, and more closed off upper chakras. And vice versa.
Balanced upper and lower chakras are necessary for happiness & well being.
The roots, sacral & solar plexus - chakras 1, 2 & 3 - are needed for connection to the earth. To feel stable, supported, trusting.
The roots make us feel at home with experiences here. The sacral helps us feel comfortable & secure in our own skin. The solar-plexus gives us the confidence & drive to survive & succeed in whatever areas we need.
The heart chakra, chakra number 4, is the center of the chakra system and meeting point between roots & crown.

By contrast, the upper chakras - 5, 6 & 7 connect us to universal life force energy through the crown chakra. The energy of the upper chakras transcend the purely physical.
The heart connects us to loved ones, as well as the greater consciousness that we are all connected. The throat is a creative expression of who we are in the world. The third-eye and crown connect us to what lies beyond the physical. To God. These two last chakras include all spiritual based experiences including awakening experiences.
When our top chakras are open, but the bottom ones closed off or sluggish, we tend to feel out of balance. We may even be described as "giddy", "flighty", "away with the fairies", a "space cadet." We may appear to others as spaced out. Or zoned out. We may be connected spiritually to the cosmos, to spiritual or psychic experiences, but without roots we also don't feel as though we belong. That we can trust our physical selves. This may lead to feeling on the outside & disconnected from life.
At the extreme, we may feel out of body, disembodied, & numb. Dizzy & light-headed. We may suffer from not knowing what is real & what is imagination.
We confuse what is happening on the earth plane & what is happening on another energetic planes. We confuse realities. We also cannot trust our spiritual & psychic experiences because, without roots, we lose the ability to discern our experiences. We feel foreign to ourselves, have difficulty trusting that we are all there. We long to be somewhere else.

On the other hand, when our upper chakras are closed off or sluggish, but our lower chakras are open, we may feel too grounded. Stuck & heavy, without purpose in life. Although we describe ourselves as "down to earth", we feel that life lacks purpose. We go through the practicalities of life feeling as though there is no point except surviving day to day. We may have loving relationships, but we feel something is MISSING. Our life lacks clarity, purpose & creativity. At the extreme we may feel depressed & hopeless. Stuck & heavy, pointless.
In order to feel whole, our luminous field should be as balanced as possible. Reiki session can help balance the luminous field. Through reiki, energy can be redistributed gently across the body leading to a feeling of balance. Chakras that were very sluggish can be opened, and we can how to help keep them open.
My reiki sessions Dublin helps to align the energy across the body
I am a reiki practitioner based in Blackrock. As a south Dublin certified Reiki Master, you can contact me with any questions you might have about energy re-balancing & reiki.
I also teach all levels of Usui reiki including Reiki Master Teacher, Dublin