The crown wraps up the posts on the chakras!
As an experienced, intuitive Usui reiki practitioner, I've started this blog with information on the seven main energy points of the body.
Reiki energy helps balance the body physically, psychologically & spiritually. REI (universal) KI (energy) is a form of healing discovered by Mikao Usui in Japan in circa 1910. Reiki is a bit like "acupuncture without the needles" and works on the 7 chakras of the body. You can read more about the chakras HERE, with reiki's effect on re balancing the energy in the body & promoting balance. The experience of a reiki session Dublin with me can feel very peaceful whilst creating powerful energetic shifts that can last for several hours or days after the reiki session.
The Crown chakra is the upmost chakra located at the crown of the head, resonating with the color purple.
When we describe someone as "open minded" we are referring to their ability to embrace different experiences and ways of being in the world.
Knowing that there may not be one set way - or set dogma - to view the world. Often this relates back to being open to the "truth" of experience resonating with the crown.
It is seen as the most "spiritual" of the chakra's as it connects us to the cosmos, the divine, the higher consciousness, the spiritual realms.
Also our "higher self", our "soul's purpose".
Connecting up past the crown there is a point known as the Soul Star. This is a point that resides outside the body and connects us even more fully.
The soul star carries all of the information for your soul’s past and principal reason for being here on earth. This knowledge about your soul isn’t readily available to you unless you accidentally came across it or inadvertently open your soul star chakra. All of this information is there, present within your energetic body, through the crown, and can be tapped into with practice.
For example, sometimes in an out of body experience, people can connect with the soul star and receive information that wasn't usually available to them.
The soul star is linked to past lives & experiences. This can be we leave our body but are still connected to it via a thread through the crown. We are not ready to detach. We still have lessons to learn
Often, when I give a reiki treatment, I spend a lot of time on the crown because I know the reiki energy is traveling through the crown to all other parts of the body. Often the crown feels vibrant with energy!

With reiki energy, an open crown is often felt as "open" or coming with a breeze or wind through the top of the head.
The crown can carry signs of stress, particularly anxiety & over-thinking. When our head goes round in circles on repeat (we all know that feeling!)
A "blocked" or stagnant crown can feel heavy and "thick" with energy.
If a person has had a trauma or challenges, the crown can feel very "cluttered".
Often people report feeling stuck or grounded, especially if there is an over reliance on the earthy chakras to get through life.
For reiki Dublin, I do reiki sessions & classes based in Blackrock, south Dublin. I am experienced, intuitive reiki master teacher with flexible options for days & times.
Reiki is likened to acupuncture without the needles. In a reiki session Dublin you just need to wear loose & comfy clothes. There is minimal touch in reiki, except sometimes the head, feet, knees & above and below the chest
However even with no physical touch, reiki energy will go to the parts of the body most in need.
You can read about what to expect from a reiki treatment Dublin with me HERE
Also, to learn reiki please go HERE.
I offer intimate reiki workshops, often small to medium group sizes, with flexible days & hours to cover all the Usui reiki levels. From level 1, level 2 (distance reiki) and Reiki Master Teacher certification. Please contact me HERE for more information on Dublin reiki healing with me in Blackrock
Caroline xx
