Everything in the Universe - and the world we live in, here on Earth - is an exchange of energy. From the hugest star burning in the galaxy, to the vibration of the tiniest butterfly wings.
​Around all of us there is an energy field known as our luminous field or auric field. Our aura changes all the time depending on our state of wellbeing - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
The energy we radiate out into the world directly affects all the people we come into contact with too, including our relationships with family and friends, even strangers on the street!
​It is really important that our energy is as positive as possible. Positive energy will attract back more of the same. And we will end up feeling happier, more at peace, and often in healthier relationships with ourselves and others.
Our energy can be affected in different ways, but first and foremost, through our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our intentions, emotions, and actions. We think of thoughts as being invisible things inside our heads, but in the world of spirit, thoughts are as real as objects such as a chair or table.
Reiki can help shift our energy so we are in greater alignment with our soul's purpose, or what we want to achieve in our lives.
To find out more about what to expect from a reiki session Dublin with Caroline please go HERE
Or to learn more about reiki, such as reiki classes level 1, 2 & 3 the reiki Master Teacher certification please go HERE