Your Mars Sign
Mars is the warrior, leader, fighter. It is a lusty "desires" planet. Whereas the moon represents the mind and desires and emotions , conscious and unconscious impulses, Mars is very straight forward and direct: Mars "wants what it wants". That is direct line between A-B, wish and fulfillment. Therefore, Mars represents how we set about achieving immediate goals, overcoming obstacles, passion, libido or life force, sex drive. Its boldness & courage in decision making is best summed up as the "warrior spirit."
Mars is at home in Aries, the cardinal sign of fire, the first light or flame. It is exalted in Capricorn where it is particularly resilient and pragmatic. In addition to this, Mars is classically owed by Scorpio which is the female version of Mars. In Scorpio, Mars is a gifted alchemist, unorthodox and able to see challenges from a fresh, original perspective, initiating transformation like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
In general, Mars will do better in a fire sign than other signs aside from Capricorn (earth) & Scorpio (water). Fire propels Mars to light the flame, to harness energy and to excel.
Mars is fallen in Cancer where it is so coddled, well nourished, safe, sentimental & domesticated, that is cannot lead. Other times, in such a placement, a dis-empowered Mars may become self centered, idle & resort to covert manipulation when it cannot be forthright and transparent.
Mars is known in Vedic astrology as a malefic planet. This does not mean bad, it means tough. A tough, unsubtle planet like Mars will do best in a malefic or "hard" house. It will do particularly well in the 3rd, 6th, and 10th houses. Houses that are concerned with areas of life that center around success, social prowess, identifying enemies, solving problems, survival. By contrast, in relationship orientated, "softer" houses, malefic Mars mmay have trouble reaching its potential, and even, in some cases, fall flat. By fall flat, I mean lose its spark or substance, becoming introverted & self centered.
However the whole birth chart needs to be considered carefully before drawing conclusions about a Mars placement and its effect. A fallen Mars in Cancer in the ordinarily beneficial 10th house of career that is additionally not well supported by other self-orientated planets, such as the Sun, could come off less fortunate. When Mars is in a less than ideal placement, the dignity of the Sun & Saturn (other melefics) become very important in judging the person's ability to take charge or to initiate decisions or to be gernally Self empowered.
Mars is one of the first placements I will look for when doing a birth chart reading. That is because Mars is one of the important personal planets. Besides the sun & moon sign, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter gives powerful insight into the major influences on personality and life path. Also the Ascendant or rising sign can tell us a lot about someone on first impression.​The placements of all the planets are important for an accurate & informed astrology birth chart reading.
For birth chart reading & relationship synastry for romance & other relationships, please see my astrology reading Dublin pages.