The Ascendant or Rising Sign

The ascendant is the rising sign. The sign that was on the eastern horizon when we were born.
It occupies the First House of our natal horoscope.
The rising sign can change within 2 hours of birth, so it is important to provide an accurate time of birth to confidently know our rising sign or ascendant.
As the dawn reflects the first rays of the sun as it it rises over the horizon, so the rising sign represents the first light, the first spark of life. In this case our birth, and therefore also the body we occupy. It is how we appear in the world. How we come across to others on first impression.
The ascendant sign effects the physical attributes of the person in the First House, since the First House is also the body. However, as ever, it depends also how the First house is aspected by other planets.
The ascendant also sets a ruling planet in your chart. The ruling planet is the one that is at "home" in the ascendant sign, or the planet to which the rising sign belongs. For example, the ruling planet of Gemini rising will be Mercury and the ruling "planet" of Cancer rising will be the Moon.
As the name "ruling" suggests, this is a planet that is likely very significant energetically in your natal chart. How strong the influence of a ruling planet is in your chart, however, depends on its position in your chart, and the sign and house it occupies. The repetition of this energy signature in your birth chart across other planets & aspects may help to set the dominant tone of your chart
For example, Scorpio's ruling planet is Mars traditionally, as well as Pluto. Therefore, the effect & intensity of the ascendant in Scorpio depends on the dignity of Mars & Pluto in the chart, first and foremost its classical ruler, Scorpio. Also, the strength of the 8th House that Scorpio rules will play an important part.
Theoretically, a Scorpio ascendant may reflect intensity on first impression, particularly if the 8th house of Scorpio is also strong in your chart. Pisces ascendants may come across as dreamy, artistic, sensitive. Aries as athletic, quick-thinking, impulsive. Virgo as organized & meticulous.
The ascendant on its own tells us a lot as well as the dignity of its ruling planet, but, as ever, it is part of a recipe of other influences in your birth chart. It cannot be seen in isolation.
Planets that occupy the first house will also influence the ascendant. Particularly if a planet is conjunct the ascendant. Or other planets strongly aspect a planet in the ascendant house. For example, Venus in the first house, will have its benefic planetary effects combined with the ascendant sign. This can be particularly beneficial if Venus is in good dignity, in other words, if it is in a sign it rules (Libra), or is in exaltation (Pisces) or in a sign it has harmonies with.
As well as astrology natal charts, Dublin, I am also a reiki master teacher based in Blackrock, Dublin. I use my reiki experience to create a space of peaceful relaxation.
If you are interested in having your birth chart or relationship synastry reading, please contact me for further information
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