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Caroline McElwee, Reiki Session Dublin. Usui reiki healing principals.

Writer's picture: Caroline Reiki Caroline Reiki

Hi there!

I am Caroline, a Dublin reiki master teacher based in Blackrock.

I am available for reiki sessions and I also teach all the reiki training Dublin stages and have over 12 years experience practicing Usui Reiki.

"Rei ki" means universal life force energy and is a form of energy healing discovered by Master Usui in Japan in circa 1910. Reiki healing has spread globally since then.

This is a blog that serves as a reminder of the 5 principals of reiki, as outlined by Master Usui, the founding father of Reiki in around 1910, and how they can be applied to day to day living. (what are the 5 principals of reiki?)

woman running through long grass at sunset with hair flowing in wind. for the 5 principals of Usui traditional japanese reiki by caroline mcelwee, reiki master teacher dublin. for reiki healing and reiki workshops

1. Just for today, I release angry thoughts

Recognize the anger within you and where it stems from. Pay attention to how you react to situations and people when you feel triggered. We all have different character traits. Some of us come into the world with more fire aspects than others. Fire can help us direct our thoughts and energy in positive ways when it's used well. On the other hand, there are times when it can be destructive. Sometimes, when we hold on to angry thoughts, the energy of anger can prevent our Heart chakra from expanding and can crystalize energy.

Practice forgiveness, towards ourselves and others whenever possible. If it's not possible to forgive, it is possible to put our energy into new thoughts and intentions besides anger to manifest a new reality. You may not get there straight away, but with a conscious intention, you can begin to create shifts.

2. Just for today, I release thoughts of worry

Some of us worry more than others. Like anger, worry is an energy we hold on to. Unlike anger (pure energy of fire) that can be beneficial under the right circumstances, worry can ruin our day whilst serving no purpose at all. Often we fix on future events we have no control over. And often the things we worry about most of all, don't come to pass. By lightening our thoughts and focusing on the good rather than the bad, we can lighten our energy. Lighter energy allows us to reach a state of flow, a higher vibration that attracts back more of the same positive energy.

3. Just for today, I’m grateful

This is such an important principal and helps us with the last two principals of Reiki. When we slow down and allow us to be grateful, perhaps write a gratitude list, we can change the quality of our thoughts. We can re-frame current challenges and see them in a new light. See solutions where before we only saw challenges. See opportunities where before we only perceived closed doors. Being grateful can start with something very small, such as taking a walk on a cold January morning and noticing birds singing in the trees, beautiful winter light, or imagining the bare branches of the trees budding in Spring. Having hope is a way of being grateful as it is trusting that good things can come our way. A Reiki session Dublin with me can also help to see the positive by balancing the flow of energy through the body. (power of positivity)

woman after receiving reiki treatment dublin, relaxed with eyes closed

4. Just for today, I expand my consciousness

There are shifts in consciousness at the individual level, as well as the collective level. First and foremost, we choose what we align ourselves with, and whether we align ourselves with love-based thoughts, or fear-based thoughts. We carry the energy of change within us and it is our intention that decides how we live our lives on a personal and a collective level. Reiki sessions can help us experience energy beyond the physical by opening the chakra, or energy points of the body, including awakening through the crown chakra.

(awakening through the crown chakra). The centre of the chakra syatem is the Heart which connects all chakras above and below. In order to "see" with clarity we must allow the Heart to expand and raise awareness into the Crown. A reiki session with me can help harmonize the flow of energy around the body leaading to expanded consciousness.

5. Just for today, I’m gentle with all beings

How being kind to others lets us receive positive energy in return. Allowing us to manifest a better life for ourselves. Being gentle includes being gentle with ourselves, which is essential for spiritual growth. Expanding the heart chakra, the center of the chakra system, can help bring clearer insight to the third-eye.

I am an Usui reiki practitioner. I give reiki sessions and teach reiki courses in south Dublin, based in Blackrock. My reiki sessions Dublin are flexible, including through the day and also in the evening after work. I also run small, intimate reiki workshops including the Reiki Master Teacher stage

Have a lovely day! Caroline

light through trees, reiki healing Dublin. Experience the light of a reiki session Dublin

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Caroline McElwee, Experienced Usui Reiki Master Teacher Dublin.

Reiki session Dublin. South Dublin. Blackrock.

Learn reiki Dublin. Reiki classes, all levels 1, 2, 3.

Reiki master training & certification Dublin. Traditional Usui Reiki, Usui Reiki lineage.

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