Reiki treatment Dublin & classes. Based in Blackrock.
A reiki session can help with seeing challenges from a fresh perspective. Also to help navigate life transitions. Moving from a negative situation into greater positivity & meaning.

We can't go through life without experiencing negative experiences that make us feel at best disappointed, and at worst, furious. When we feel let down, betrayed, ill-treated for whatever reason, our body reacts physiologically and emotionally.
The body and mind are connected in our response to any kind or negative trauma.
If trauma is a pattern in your life, those patterns are stored in the luminous field or aura. Seeds of trauma - the event on your timeline that triggered the first responses - are also stored within the luminous field.
Sometimes a trauma may just cut too deep, it has defined who we are. To separate from it would feel impossible.
We are often told simply to "let go" of negative feelings. Further, we are all told that holding on to feelings of anger & unforgiveness are bad for our health - physically, mentally & emotionally. From an energetic standpoint, this is true. Holding on to unforgiveness & harsh emotions is damaging over time.
So what do we do when we find that, instead of being able to let go of past or present pain, we are holding on to it instead? Not even because we want to, but just because we can't "just" let it go.
How can reiki and other forms of energy healing help remove these traumatic energies/memories from the luminous field?

First off, I would always encourage people to try all different modalities to deal with trauma, whatever they are drawn to. Seeing a specialized trauma counsellor can be very helpful. However energy modalities, and alternative forms of energy therapy, can also help
Reiki can identify a chakra that has been compromised energetically. For example, chakras that have been impacted feel totally different to healthy "open chakras". The energy can feel sticky, murky, wet, weak. The chakra can feel closed off or "flat". A chakra that has been holding on to negative memories & experiences for some time can release energy from deep within it. This can sometimes feel to me like damp rising slowly through a stone. After a session, the energy can continue being released in this way for some time.
The heart chakra can be a major release point, as can the crown chakra & throat chakra, responsible for how we express our emotions. However often all chakras are compromised when it comes to trauma and how to effects the body.

It can be very liberating for people to know that a chakra has begun to open or clear for them. They may feel a strong emotion, and have tears of letting go. They may also feel they need further time to process what they have felt within the body.
They may feel much lighter & energized. They often sleep for much longer periods, or feel very tired, before feeling energy returning. Clearing can re-boot the system, like a re-wire. A person may feel relieved that certain things in their life make more sense now that they understand their energy patterns
For example, holding on to unforgiveness in the heart can lead to the heart being shut off, which may impact self love and the quality of relationships. Friendships as well as romantic relationships. A release from the heart as well as an explanation of how trauma in the heart may be affecting a person's life, can create relief - and new hope for the future
Having an energetic clearing from the luminous field during a reiki treatment Dublin can bring hope that energy is real and important. It can help a person to see themselves as a spiritual being having a physical experience. It can help them see the connection between emotions and the body. By experiencing a profound energy healing session, a person can begin the journey of taking care of themselves energetically.
Perhaps a lifelong practice that may include different aspects. Layers of trauma can be brought into awareness and released in a way that is conscious but also gentle as well as powerful. It may be a process that lasts some time - like the shedding of many skins - or layers of luminosity from the aura. But the process brings renewal & with that, new ways of living and perceiving the world.
Often it is the new ways of perceiving the world, that brings real change. As our energy shifts from a lower to a higher vibration, more joyful experiences can be found in day to day experiences. Even small ones. Our senses are heightened, and we may develop a greater appreciation of the world, as though we are back to seeing it for the first time. Sometimes, even when we are still holding on to trauma, we find that we are still growing in other beneficial directions. We are no longer defined by trauma, we are so much more than that. This makes us feel as though we are becoming more whole. A more complete version of who we are.
I am an experienced, intuitive reiki master teacher based in Blackrock, Dublin. Please contact me for reiki training Dublin and classes 1-3 including reiki master teacher any time. I have over ten years experience helping people through Usui reiki.
Have a good week, Caroline