Updates post.
We've all heard about keeping positive, right?
Well, during stressful circumstances this isn't always easy. For example, during covid-19. What with the homeschooling, work, loneliness, and generally what in the heck is happening vibes during that time?
Many people lost their jobs, and many suffered untold stress as lives were put on hold or simply turned upside down. For many people, the effects of the covid pandemic has left long term ramifications to people's life circumstances, both material & psychological.
But what have we learned?
Perhaps this is something we can answer more fully with the passage of time.
However many people I asked during that time responded with answers such as: I take it a day at a time. Ups and downs. Good days & bad days.
I had to learn to adapt, be versatile, be grateful for the little things, be more creative in my approach to life. We all had to ADAPT to the roller coaster that was life during this time
So what can define our ups? As opposed to our downs?
From a Reiki energy point of view, the power of positive thinking is huge to making the energy in our luminous field brighter and bolder.
When we feel light, it is because we are literally more filled with LIGHT healing energy.
Our energy centers, or chakras, are spinning energetically and filled with energy that we need to feel fully alive. Much of that light is drawn through the crown chakra.
Some of our energy centers may be open & full. Others may be more probe to depletion of energy. May be more stagnant or weaker.

When we have positive energy through our thoughts, we often attract back more of the same. Our thoughts have an impact on our emotions and therefore our energy. Like attracts like because everything is energy. When we feel light & positive, things flow. Equally, denser energy, including attachment energy, can more easily avoided because darker energies cannot thrive in light.
Reiki sessions & reiki classes can help the flow of energy around the body and balance the energy centers, helping us feel lighter.
This helps FLOW in general. Flow is a state of being that happens at a high vibration.
The higher our vibration, the more we can tap into creative sources of energy. There is greater synchronicity at these levels. We hope that something will happen, and often we manifest that hope in reality when in flow.
Reality can appear to have a magical quality in flow because synchronicity brings seemingly disparate events together because the energy is so similar it attracts. We are more likely to experience awakening or psychic experiences at these levels.
Keeping a high vibration is managed by keeping our thoughts positive.
It is easy when we are exhausted, or feel defeated, to frame a situation negatively (we ALL do this from time to time).
If we can train ourselves to re-frame this same situation positively we can then get back into creative flow.
In the world of energy, thoughts are not invisible things. Thoughts have a "physical" property. They are objects as real as a table and chair. Our thoughts are sent out into the world and have real concrete consequences. If we throw a stool at someone, they will feel it (of course!).
But people feel the impact of our thoughts too.
When people think well of us, we benefit from the impact of this energy. If they think less well of us, we can also be impacted in a negative way. There is a stickiness to energy in the body that is the result of thought-forms not designed to do good!
Keeping our energy light is also a way in which we can protect ourselves in the world, and attract back more of the same
I am a reiki practitioner based in Blackrock, south Dublin. I have been giving reiki sessions and classes for over 10 years now.
Contact me for a reiki session in Dublin. Or to learn reiki! I teach Usui traditional reiki, all the levels from reiki level 1 to Reiki Master Teacher
Contact me to book your reiki session Dublin.
Have a lovely week!
