Master Mikao Usui discovered Usui Reiki in Japan in around 1910.
The Five Reiki Principles are as follows:
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
These are translated from the original Japanese, so there are a number of variations on these principles, but this is the foundation.
REI-Ki means Universal Life Force (REI) energy (KI)
Reiki and other forms of healing energy are available to everyone. The energy is channeled through the reiki practitioner and flows to the person receiving the reiki session.
The 5 principals of reiki mirror positivity when they remind us to count our blessings and to be kind to "every living thing". Also to avoid anger and worry.
When I look at these principals of Usui reiki, I am reminded that positive thinking affecst our feelings and our actions or behavior. When we are positive, our luminous body - our aura - responds by opening up to a greater flow of energy around the body. From the crown chakra to the root chakra. Balancing & aligning the natural flow of energy
The luminous field expands out giving us a larger, protective aura. Natural energetic protection for our bodies. Also affecting people who come into contact with us in a positive way!
I am also reminded by the fact that the opposite of love is fear.
When we let go of fear, and associated uncomfortable feelings of worry/anxiety/lack of confidence/envy, we can start to enter the positive, abundant flow of life. Of course, this can be easier said than done. We are only human after all! We all have "off" days! However, by consciously re-framing out thoughts and feelings, we are helping ourselves to grow in conscious awareness.
This consciousness is also the awareness that we are all connected in energy. That we do not exist in isolation. Seen clairvoyantly, the world is a forever changing stream of energy that "dances". Never static.
With traditional Usui reiki & other kinds of reiki healing lineages, the reiki practitioner is required to be what shamans call "the hollow bone".
Reiki energy is not the practitioner's own energy but an "outside" source of life force energy. The practitioner receives reiki and is also treated by it when giving reiki to another person.
I am an Usui Reiki Master Teacher based in Blackrock, Dublin. I am here for Dublin Reiki including reiki sessions as well as teaching reiki classes & small intimate workshops where we can go deeper with guided mediation & feedback from the "attunement" process. I am flexible in terms of days & times. Sessions are during the week & sometimes at the weekend
Contact me to find out more! Have a good week
