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The Solar Plexus Chakra. Where we hold & lose confidence

Writer's picture: Caroline Reiki Caroline Reiki

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Reiki energy can help harmonize the flow of energy throughout the chakras. Here I am focusing on the health of the sacral chakra. The aim of reiki is to promote a balance of energy

The solar plexus chakra.

There are some people who seem to glow & emit self confidence. They have a light that attracts others like a moth to a flame.

Often filled with warmth & vitality, what makes these people appear so self assured. So naturally confident?

In a world full of social media & online gossip that can breed insecurity & self doubt, those of us with a seemingly home grown self confidence come across as very appealing.

Self confidence is not something that can be faked. We can try to become more self confident, and that may be a good place to start (fake it till you make it), but natural self confidence is the variety that oozes from a person no matter the challenging situation they may find themselves in.

Self confidence is also a natural result of a healthy solar plexus chakra.

The solar plexus takes its name from the sun (solar). It represents energy & vitality. If it wasn't for our closest star, there would be no life on earth. There would be no photosynthesis, no oceans. Our planet would be lifeless & barren.

The solar plexus is a yellow or golden color.

A person with a dominant solar plexus will hence have a golden or yellow aura.

It is a chakra that is associated with the earth and achieving things materially in the physical world. It is an ambitious, Self directed chakra. A good representation of the solar plexus as shown in the horoscope would be the sign of Leo the lion, representing the Self and natural ruler of the Sun.

A healthy solar plexus can be felt when giving reiki healing energy. It feels full and deep. Often there will be a sense of warmth or the image of gold and heat that comes through reiki when the energy is balanced in this chakra.

reiki healing dublin. picture of a sun represeting the solar plexus chara which is a chakra used with reiki

In the same way, the solar plexus and its health energetically tells us a lot about the ego or Self worth of a person.

When we say someone has an "ego" we often mean it negatively, as though person is thinking way too much of themselves, selfish and egocentric, even cruel & narcissistic at the extreme.

However, a healthy ego is synonymous with healthy self confidence and solar-plexus chakra. Less selfish and more self-focused or driven to overcome challenges. Helping others as well as themselves along the way!

A truly self confident person does not feel threatened by another person's success in the same way as a person who is only thinking of their own gain & what they might lose.

With self confidence, a person is not afraid to take on challenges & can overcome problems in innovative ways. Can make life changes that are beneficial, even when it means going out of their comfort zones to achieve a desired outcome.

I often find when I give reiki that a person may have an open crown, throat and heart, but the solar plexus is out of balance. This is often because of power plays happening at work that sap confidence & motivation.

Or a person may have a general sense of lack of achievement. Or an inability to know what an "achievement" may feel like in the first place. An empty solar plexus can feel like a lack of motivation & direction. Perhaps a loss of hope & dreams, something that feels intangible but is nevertheless real for the person experiencing the lack & emptiness in their every day.

Children have a natural self confidence that stems from non-judgement. Instead of judgement about themselves as being less-than, they are innately curious about the world, and have a natural sense of intrinsic worth. Often as adults we feel less than, ashamed, we are our own worse critics. We naturally hide our light under a bush...fearing that we haven't achieved enough, they we aren't, somehow, good enough...

a person basking in the light of the sun, representing the solar plexus in reiki

To open the solar plexus naturally, try new activities that are inspiring, in order to "make yourself anew".

Try going for that job you're not sure you can get, but try anyway.

Trying something new can be as simple as tasting new foods, or wearing something you didn't dare to before. Notice the word "try" here. The solar-plexus is the energy of giving something another shot. Not giving up. Realizing that nobody, not even the highest achievers, have got through life without experiencing setbacks. Failure, even. In fact, it is how you deal with the challenges that matters most.

Those with a healthy solar-plexus can naturally brush themselves off and keep moving forwards.

Reiki as well as other forms of energy healing can help to invigorate the chakra system, bringing balance as well as increased vitality & zest for life. Contact me for a reiki session, based in Blackrock, Dublin. I also teach level 1, 2 & 3 reiki, including the reiki master teacher

Have a great week x

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