I am a reiki master teacher based in Blackrock, Dublin. Reiki energy helps to bring alignment to the body by balancing the energy points. Like acupuncture without the needles. A typical reiki session lasts an hour and will leave you feeling much more relaxed and centered
There is no superior chakra in reiki, all are equally important and have an important role
Here, an energy point also known as the third eye
The Third-Eye chakra is located between your two physical eyes.
It is the chakra closely connected to psychic gifts and abilities, including intuition and insight. It resonates with the color violet

Many people use day to day expressions such as "I have a hunch that," "My gut feeling is..." "something about this place or person makes me feel...", "I can't quite put a finger on it. But..." All these "gut feelings" are connected to inner knowing located in the third-eye. The third eye is your instinct, and your abilities to see the world of energy, beyond the physical.
The third-eye operates on an intuitive level. It can bypass rational thought to give you an alternate take on "reality". It's the knowing that although somebody may appear friendly and helpful, there is a nagging sensation something isn't quite what it appears. Conversely, it can be that on paper a project seems like it won't work out, and yet something inside you is saying that it will. There is an excitement or pull gravitating you towards this seemingly "irrational" project.
Intuition may be as subtle as the little voice: "don't forget to put your house keys in the bowl on the counter". Ignore the little voice and you mislay the keys later. You say to yourself: Darn it, I should have listened to that "little voice."
Remember that all the chakras are connected, and each one impacts the health of them all, including the third-eye.
Our intuition is also closely connected to our unconscious which houses our deep-seated motivations and desires and dreams.
It is the part of us that knows things that we don't "consciously" know.
Carl Jung also said: "Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see." This relates back to the third-eye chakra that connects us to synchronicity within the world of energy. The greater experience that we are all connected. For example, thinking about someone and then having them calling you a short time after, or running into them in the street. Also part of synchronicity and connection through the third-eye.
When the third-eye chakra is more open it is connected to what is known as "the clares." Clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and claircognizance are all governed by the third-eye.
These "psychic" abilities allow us to "see" "touch" "hear" and "know" the world of energy more intimately.

Clairvoyance is seeing the world of energy. Some people see physically, such as the color of someone's aura. Or shimmering light related to the appearance of an angel or deceased loved one
On the other hand, "seeing" can be pictures in your imagination. Your "mind's eye". A thought or feeling may be accompanied by a picture, such as seeing a deceased loved one, bear or butterfly. Or any picture that can convey a message in symbolic form.
Clairesentience is a very common clare. It is the ability to "feel" energy. It can be as subtle as walking into a room and feeling that the energy is "light" and positive. Or "dark" and dense.
It can be as specific as feeling the presence of a spirit in a room. With an angel there is a feeling of love that can be felt. You can also feel emotions that are being communicated such as joy and laughter. Often feeling energy can also happen when you touch someone's energy field. For example in a reiki session. When energy is felt, it can also accompany clairvoyance.
Clairaudience is a rarer ability of being able to "hear" beyond the physical world. It can manifest in all sorts of ways. People may hear laughter, or music, or footsteps!
Claircognizance is the ability to "know" something that you wouldn't otherwise be able to know. This can mean we have foresight into certain future events in greater detail. This may be far more detailed knowing than a hunch.

Protection for the third-eye chakra is vital. We want to open the third-eye to be more in touch with energy, but not have it so "open" that we can't live our lives feeling safe and protected. Thankfully we can ask not to experience more than what we can handle! There are many ways to do this...
The heart is the center of the chakra system. From the heart, energy can flow into the third-eye allowing us only to experience the world of energy that is right for us, and from a loving place.
It is also important to remember that the gift of the clares & an active third eye is no more important or "special" than any other gift we might have.
We are all have unique gifts and abilities. There are no higher chakras, and the health of the third-eye & crown is dependent on the health of our more "earthy" chakras such as the root chakra.
To really expand the third-eye we must develop really healthy roots first and be very connected to the earth.
Reiki can help open the third-eye. Also help you to learn how to protect your energy. I am a reiki practitioner based in Blackrock, south Dublin.
As well as doing reiki sessions Dublin, I also teach all levels of Usui reiki, including the reiki master teacher class. Usui reiki is a traditional form of reiki discovered by Master Usui in Japan
My reiki classes tend to be small intimate reiki workshops, where you can feel comfortable & ask questions. Held in Blackrock Dublin. Days & times are flexible
Caroline xx