The aura - or luminous field - is constantly changing. The chakras are never fixed, but constantly evolving wheels of light.
Seen clairvoyantly, the seven major chakras are spinning and changing shape, becoming bigger and smaller as our moods change. Moment by moment, hour by hour. Even across days and months, our chakras will be shifting.

In a reiki session Dublin, I can often sense the color of the crown chakra. This can be a likened to an "energy signature" and usually reflects our dominant chakra, and an aspect of our life that might usually have the greatest ease & flow.
Although the crown is often associated with purple light, the crown can also hold the color of our most dominant chakra.
I have talked about chakra colors in previous posts. For a quick recap, I will list them here too. Crown (purple), third-eye (violet), throat (blue), heart (light pink & light green), solar-plexus (golden yellow), sacral (orange), root (darker brown/red).
Any of these colors perceived as the predominant aura color will also tell us which chakra is the most intensely radiating.
For example, if golden yellow is seen across the luminous field of a person, we know this is the primary color of the solar plexus chakra. This person may be full of healthy self confidence (whilst not being arrogant!). Be a motivator, a leader, industrious & courageous. They may have a healthy ego & be quite down to earth as well, since this chakra leads to the sacral & roots (the lower chakras are concerned with trusting our connection to the earth).

In a similar way, if an aura is predominantly pink, we can be sure that the person is very heart centered as this is the color of the heart chakra. If it is purple, we can sense the person is very connected through the crown chakra which is likely open & receptive...And so on...In a reiki treatment the heart energy can be sensed which can tell us a lot about a person's capacity for love including, importantly, self love.
A blue aura is a manifestation of purple & violet, associated with crown and third-eye chakra. A dark & bright blue suggests the healthy balanced aspects of these upper chakras. Including the ability to see into, or sense, the world of energy. Associated with magic, shape shifting, alchemy, intuition & the clares...Blue is also deeply related to the throat chakra (sky blue).
The throat chakra is the center of self expression, creativity, artistic gifts, innovation & communication. A lighter sky blue blue is perhaps more closely associated with the throat. Or a person may have an aura of different shades of blue.
Other aura colors may not be immediately associated with a specific chakra though...Or be a mixture of chakra colors.
For example, the aura can be predominantly white (white aura color). Although there is no chakra associated wholly with white, white is a merging of all the colors. White suggests a disposition towards spirituality & awakening.
Even if it is not always possible to see the aura physically (the wheels of light), the aura can be sensed through reiki & many other forms of energy healing in other ways related to the clares. The clares is the insights used to feel, see, know energy beyond the physical. The aura can be perceived with the third-eye & shown in our mind's eye. It can also be sensed most frequently through touch (clairsentience).
I am a reiki master teacher Dublin and teacher of level 1, 2 and 3 Usui Reiki, based in Blackrock. Please contact me for a reiki treatment or to see the reiki classes I teach. I hold small, intimate reiki classes that cover level 1, 2 & 3 (or the reiki master teacher) in Dublin. I am an intuitive reiki practitioner & teacher with over 10 years experience giving reiki sessions
Have a lovely week x
