Reiki energy healing targets the main energy centers, or chakras, of the body. Helping to gently & powerfully dissolve blocks or stagnant energy. Promoting a more harmonious flow of energy around the body
Everybody has chakras more open & naturally receptive than others.
Here, an introduction to the Throat chakra
The throat chakra is, unsurprisingly, located in the throat!
Whereas the heart is the centre of the chakra system, the throat is the first of the upper chakras. The throat is responsible for self expression.
It is associated with communication & creativity which in turn is an expression of who you are in the world.
As I've said before, there are no "superior" chakras - all are important for health & well-being. Our chakras are never static. They appear to those who see energy as perpetually moving wheels of light that change day by day, hour by hour, even every minute & second, depending on fluctuating emotions and environmental stimuli.
When in balance, the throat is associated with the color blue or blue light.
It is the center of communication and creativity.

When your throat chakra is "open" it suggests that you have no issues in general communicating. In it's ultimate open state, the throat chakra reveals the ultimate truth: I AM...However, this is a truth so profound that usually enlightenment/awakening is the precursor of the fully open throat!
Who can really say "I AM..." aside from using nouns and adjectives such as "I am a cook" "I am French" "I am married" "I am happy", and so on. To say who "I am" in the most fundamental sense means answering the most fundamental question: Why is there something instead of nothing. In other words, heck, why am I even here? Not an easy question...This means it is one of the most challenging chakras to ever fully open.
With a balanced throat you should be able to express them in a balanced, helpful way. If you feel you communicate often (and perhaps loudly) but it often results in conflict, anger & upset (intensity being a keyword here), it usually means there are issues with your communication. You compensate by being overly aggressive & intense. Or perhaps you clam up and feel there is "a frog in your throat." A feeling of being blocked, unable to get your words out.
Of course there will be times when intentional angry communication or protest (think of recent protests in the world) may feel important. Maybe necessary. However, in general, remember: When we have the belief & trust we will be heard, our communication may be very different & effective. Again, out trust that we are enough is also linked to the health of other chakras, such as the heart & root chakra.
Everything works together. Balance is key. Reiki healing energy with me is a great way to balance the throat chakra.
The throat is also responsible for creativity of all kinds.
Including the fine arts, such as art, music, writing, and all other creative pursuits. The more authentically we express ourselves, the more creative we usually are.
Don't worry: You don't have to pick up a paintbrush to be creative! Aside from fine arts, creativity can apply to all activities that make you feel you are living a creative life. As you are "in flow". Flow is when time seems to stop for a while and you're fully in the moment!
Planting a garden can satisfy your creativity, as can keeping a journal, cooking, an interest in astronomy or bird watching.
There are so many possibilities here.
Feeling creative can happen when we are thinking of new ideas or working as part of a team. Being involved organizing a school raffle, doing a beach combing.
What matters is engaging in an activity that is a full & honest reflection of who you are as a person. Leading a creative, fulfilling life can be as simple as parenting, the day to day care-taking of children who are also naturally very creatively curious!
Creative living can also mean enjoying dressing up, picking out what clothes to wear, how to decorate.
Often after Reiki "attunements" our preferences for favorite colors and decoration can also change. Changing our throat in the process.
What about this apparent contradiction: I am an artist but I am a terrible communicator. Or, I express myself creatively but I have angry outbursts when I communicate. Or I avoid all confrontation, I'm not assertive at all...
There are stereotypes of creative types being either very emotionally volatile or withdrawing from the world entirely - not exactly painting a picture of successful communication (excuse the pun!).
Can a healthy throat have one area of good self-expression and not another?
Is it possible to have these differences within the same chakra? The answer is yes. YES
We are all complicated, and the throat represents all facets of self expression and is unique from one person to another. When doing Reiki healing these subtle differences & contradictions can also be felt in different ways.
Finally, don't compare yourself to another person creatively.
This is important because for your health of your throat, nobody is comparing your creation with another.
You may feel your painting looks lame compared to someone else's Leonardo Da Vinci. The throat doesn't hold this judgement! Again, creativity can be in simple every day activities that give you a sense of well-being and flow. Where time stops for a moment. Creation in the greater sense of the word - God's creation -is immense. Those moments when we feel to be a drop within it. Resonating with it. In harmony.
Reiki and other forms of energy healing can help expand the throat chakra. For more information about my reiki healing Dublin, or my reiki workshops, please contact me. I hold reiki classes for all levels of Usui reiki in Dublin. Based in Blackrock
Caroline xx
