I am an Usui, traditional reiki master teacher based in Dublin. My life crossed paths with reiki after experiencing energy that lies beyond our purely physical perceptions of the world. (about Caroline)
One of my very first experiences was with the beautiful & powerful Archangel Michael.
Archangels are cosmic sized beings that can appear in many forms, and be with multiple people simultaneously.
I was about 13 or 14, I don't remember the exact age, but this was my first experience with an angel.
I was in my bedroom at the time, lying on my bed but fully awake. In the corner of my room, I saw an incredibly beautiful "man". I say man and not angel because he didn't have any wings. The most striking thing about the man was the blue light that was shining from him. The most beautiful blue I had ever seen in my life. So intense & brilliant, and shining from his skin so that his whole body was glowing stunning blue.
He was holding a shield and had a sword. He was wearing traditional sandals that wrapped up the leg. Since he had no wings, I did not know this was Archangel Michael at the time. I remember thinking I was seeing something like a Roman centurion soldier
The other thing that was remarkable was how the room changed. The walls of my bedroom distorted and warped so that he could fit into it. Whilst the walls were bending, he seemed like the most "real" presence in my room. More real than anything else. Even though what I was seeing was completely out of the ordinary for me, it felt very real. He filled the room entirely although he was only in the far right corner.
The other striking thing about the glowing blue man is that he stood in a prominent grid of blue light, the same color as his own light. I was stunned as I had never seen anything like this before, and was just staring in wonder at him.
I was looking at him, but he was looking away from me through the window of my bedroom. He didn't speak or make eye contact with me. However I was aware of his really strong and protective presence. His eyes were piercing bright like stars & his gaze though not directed at me, was really focused and intense.
After a few seconds more he disappeared completely and everything was as it was before.
After that my life continued as it had, and being a young teen I did not dwell on what had happened and didn't try to find answers. As Archangel Michael had not appeared with wings I did not think of it as being an angel apparition at the time. I thought I had seen a Roman centurion or a type of Roman or Greek god. I remember thinking the blue grid of light reminded me of something cosmic, like an astrological sign. I hadn't looked into angels or spiritual matters at the time, and so I didn't look any further into this experience until some years later.
In my 30's, I started to have many more experiences with energy, including with angels. One of the more intense experiences I had out of the blue, is what made me decide to learn Reiki. I wanted to understand energy but also feel protected energetically.
During Reiki Master teacher, I was asked to do a meditation to "Meet My Angel". I was finding it hard to concentrate on the meditation, just seeing random pictures of angels in white robes with wings in my minds eye. Finally, I felt I was giving up and "blue man" entered my mind. Instead of appearing as an angel, he appeared as a normal protective kind of handsome man. He said, do you remember when you saw me last? I've been with you for a long time, through your whole life. I have been watching over you the whole time." I felt very loved and protected and he showed me a few scenes from my childhood that had been challenging and made me feel very special and precious. After that I shared to my Reiki teacher that I hadn't specifically seen an angel, but the blue man I had seen as a child had come into my awareness.
My Reiki teacher at the time pointed out that this was Archangel Michael. When I looked up Archangel Michael online I saw quickly that minus the wings, he had appeared exactly as he does in countless illustrations. He is associated with an intense blue light and this is one of the most striking thing about him.
Michael is the Archangel of protection and his name means "He who is like God".
Archangel Michael does appear in different forms to different people. I know now that angels are absolutely gigantic cosmic forces, so although they can appear human sized, or larger - they can also be absolutely immense! They appear as is needed for the person. Michael can also appear with gold, white or blue light. He can also appear as a regular human being but mostly in the form of a man. He every often does appear with a sword and shield and in the centurion style clothes so he is quite recognizable that way.
Since then I have had a lot more experiences with angels that are amazing, a very powerful visitation from Archangel Uriel too.
I find it strange thinking back, that Archangel Michael did not appear with wings. If he had, I would have known it was an angel and this would have, I think, brought more peace had I known angels existed before.
But of course I also know that I am sure Michael appeared in the form he needed to be for me at the time. I wasn't supposed to know his identity until later.
I always always call on Archangel Michael when I do Reiki and a part of his blue light is always with me. I call on him whenever I am unsure about something or just to keep me company when I need it. I know his light helps me bring messages to people & to myself.
I've been told on occasions that Archangel Michael is always with me. I am really grateful that this powerful Archangel is a part of my life. Please call on Archangel Michael whenever you need to, for anything. He will be there!
I have chosen this picture here because it is very hard to do Archangel Michael justice when I describe him. However I love the blue here as it is this blue that I remember so clearly about him
I am a reiki practitioner Dublin. I do reiki sessions & reiki classes in Blackrock, Dublin. Including the reiki master teacher and completion of the reiki stages. I hold small intimate reiki healing workshops. Class sizes tend to be small & intimate with flexible hours & days, including weekends
I am an experienced reiki master teacher with over 10 years experience giving reiki sessions & classes in Blackrock Dublin. I practice traditional Japanese Usui reiki. The reiki sessions last one hour. I also teach level 1-3 reiki and this includes reiki master teacher training. As well as using Usui reiki, I also call on the Archangel Michael to assist me with the reiki.
Have a good week, Cara x
