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Reiki & seeing with the third eye

Writer's picture: Caroline Reiki Caroline Reiki

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

"Seer". What does it mean?

A seer refers to clairvoyant abilities. Being able to see beyond the physical world. This relates back to an open & responsive third-eye. Some people have seen the spiritual world for as long as they can remember, without actually knowing they have a third-eye or are using it.

Seeing angels or the world of spirit is a gift some people are born with. Everyone has unique gifts & abilities, and seeing angels & the world of energy, is much the same.

The third-eye chakra is located between the two physical eyes, known as the "eye that sees what your physical eyes do not". However, we can see with the third eye in different ways

We can see physically, in other words as we do ordinarily. We can see the aura around someone's head, its color & shape. Know it is a light green, say, or extends one foot or more from the crown. We can see if it is a clear green or mixed in with other colors. Also, we can physically see an angel. Know where it is located in a room. We can see as the angel as we would any other person, the form it takes, any clothes or objects the angel has appeared with.

Often angels will adapt their form to suit a certain person who will be seeing. For example, an angel may take on an entirely human appearance, such that someone might think they have been visited by an exceptionally kind human. This often happens when in hospital and someone is comforted by a nurse who then mysteriously disappears the following day. Other times, the angel may deliberately come with wings, so we don't doubt the fact we have had an angelic encounter so that we can know the world of spirit exists.

butterfly in a poppy field showing symbols that can appear during a reiki session dublin

However we can also see in less dramatic ways. We can see with pictures in our heads, like a moving cinema screen.

For example, often when I touch or interact with someone's energy, for example through a reiki session Dublin, the energy comes with a clear picture. Often these pictures are loving messages with a very lighthearted touch. The angels know how best to LET ME SEE so I can feel very light as well, and tap into joy and often humor (the angels like, LOVE, to have some fun!). For example, I might see pictures of animals and flowers, and often I can interpret what they mean myself for a person. Other times, I can look it up and I am always amazed how accurate a specific symbol is for a person. Other times there will be a knowing of what is happening for someone & that might later come with a picture

Animal spirit guides or symbols can take so many forms. A polar bear, a penguin, a house cat, a horse, rabbit, a dove, a ladybird, a scorpion (yes, I have had all of these!). Also mythical creatures - unicorns, dragons, the Phoenix rising from the ashes! I pay attention to the form any animal takes. A ferocious striped orange & black tiger is very different to a quiet, shy white snow leopard, often denoting solitude & sometimes grief. A black panther is again a very different totem - often appearing in darkness, showing great courage, huge reserves of strength & heart, representing challenge but also a way through into the light. There are no such things as good or bad animals. For instance, snakes may represent the kundalini energies rising, the shedding of skin, transformation.

Flowers, again with different colors and meanings, roses (white, pink, yellow, red...) bluebells, daisies, dandy lions, each with a very specific meaning. The humble dandy lion shows the yellow representing the solar-plexus chakra - confidence & joy even in the most humble or difficult & challenging places. A reason to be happy even when the chips are down. The yellow shock of dandelion petals growing in the kerb of a grey street. Its seeds that spread far & wide also representing new & plentiful opportunity. It is important to see what it being shown, the context, not just the symbol.

Throughout a reiki session I will pay close attention to what chakras present with which messages or symbols. For example, a pink rose in the heart chakra which feels very open indicates a very healthy heart, especially as pink is the color of the heart chakra. Seeing a tree in the root chakras as I do a reiki treatment emphasizes stability & connection to the earth.

There are also seeing colors, each color with a different meaning. Also, the elements. Fire, earth, water, air. Each element is unique in what it can do and what it represents. Fire, the game-changer, the innovator, the creator & destructor energy, the new-beginning, scorched earth & rising from the ashes. Earth, the stability & trust, the grounding & nurturing, the body, the mother. Water, the emotions, the unbounded unconscious, the overwhelming nature of emotion or its soothing peace & calm, returning to the womb, the feminine. Air, the knowledge of higher states of being, intellect, wisdom, abstract thought, shape-shifting to new realities. During a reiki session, these elements may make themselves known as a way of describing the energy, for example, a crown of fire can indicate transforming of old ideas that no longer serve, an end to stagnant thoughts, release of crystallized thought forms & fragments, dissolving of psychic attack...

Finally, seeing can be related very closely to touch (clairsentience). A touch of an energy field, or luminous body, gives rise to seeing. Both are intricately connected.

There is NO BEGINNING & NO END of seeing, for example, during a reiki treatment

We may get used to seeing universal archtypes often - rainbows, feathers, jewels, butterflies...and then we may see house cats & shiny ladybirds & oak trees. We may have symbols that repeat themselves & that have come to mean very specific messages to us each time we see them (the rainbow bridge, a new beginning; the Pheonix, also a new beginning but also the end of a very tough time). But still, we are constantly surprised by the new & the original & the unique messages of everything we see

To see with clearer eyes, and to see very high vibrations of love & light, it is important to keep the heart open & clean. The heart is the very centre of the chakra system and from it energy unfurls into the third-eye chakra, as well as from the crown and all other chakras. The cleaner our energy the easier it is to see the highest vibrations of love & light. Usui reiki can help keep the luminous body harmonious

We can all practice using our third eye and trusting in its ability to see. Reiki & other forms of energy healing can help open all the chakras including the third eye.

For reiki sessions and courses, Dublin please contact me. Based in Blackrock south Dublin, I am an intuitive reiki master teacher of Usui Reiki. I have been practicing reiki for over 10 years now & I am a reiki master teacher

woman seeing bright lights during a reiki session dublin

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