Traditional Usui reiki helps you to re balance the energy points of the body. Bringing greater healing to the physical body & energy body, also known as the luminous field or aura.
Reiki energy is gentle but powerful & after a reiki session you may feel much more relaxed. Or brimming with new energy & vitality. This is because reiki energy works on the chakra system, from the Crown (head) to the Roots (feet)
Here I am going to cover a bit about the very important root chakra.
I'm sure you are familiar with the saying: "down to earth".
He's "down to earth". Or she's "salt of the earth". Perhaps just he or she is an "earthy type."
What does it mean?
Somebody described as being "earthy" is generally comfortable in their own skin. Often practical, enjoys being in nature, "outdoorsy." Often has hobbies involving nature: hiking, water boarding, sea swimming. Or enjoys something as simple as being out in the garden. Often finds being a parent relatively "easy" and rewarding, the practical tasks of feeding, bathing, and taking care of young children is "second nature".
An earthy type of person is often also pretty good at looking after themselves too!
for example, enjoys cooking and other practical day to day activities.
Usually earthy types are popular because they tend to be easy going, and good to be around in a crisis as they remain stable & "rock steady". It's no coincidence they may be referred to as "a rock".
So then, why are these earthy types so appealing?
Well, the common denominator of "earthiness" is trust.
Earth types trust that the earth is home.
They feel they are exactly where they need to be.
When we are a strong earth type, we know we belong. Not just to a country, a culture, or more specifically, to a street address.
We belong because we are "at home in our skin."
We trust the wider world, and more importantly, we trust ourselves.
This is what makes earth types so appealing: they make us feel at home. They make others feels comfortable and calm. Their energy soothes and nurtures and makes us feel safe. Think of the traits of the "earth mother." These character traits are strongly associated with having healthy roots.
The root chakra resonates with the darker colors of the earth such as dark red, grey, brown.

The root chakra is, unsurprisingly, vital for good mental health.
It doesn't matter how open our crown may be, or even our heart, if our roots are not healthy, we won't trust ourselves enough.
Interestingly, when all the upper chakras are open but our roots are not, we may even feel dizzy, "spaced-out", disconnected from the world and from our own bodies.
At the extreme end of the spectrum, we feel out of balance, out of body, unstable. Think of a tree with up-ended roots about to topple!
It's normal to worry about things we can't control, but when are roots are weak, it's much easier to find ourselves just not trusting anything.
People might refer to us as being "away with the fairies", "a "space cadet", "flighty". This may hurt but the truth is "we are not all there" - and we feel it!
It's possible to be very open in the top chakras, such as crown, third-eye, and throat, and therefore be very connected to psychic experiences, but without the stability of the root chakra, our experiences may feel chaotic, unpredictable, and even frightening.
We might tell ourselves stories to make up for feeling like outsiders. Preferring to dream about alternate realities. Places we'd "rather be".
Even places at the far-reaches of the universe. Worlds where we tell ourselves we would instantly be home, and no longer feel foreign to ourselves.
It's not that these other worlds aren't there, more that we are here now. On earth!
With poor roots, we may also neglect our appearance, fail to take good care of our bodies, want to literally be out of our skin. Even abuse drugs, alcohol and food. It's no fun having lousy roots!
Learning to strengthen our root chakra is therefore important for our mental health. And it can be done. We can grow them! (not literally, ha! But you know what I mean...) We CAN strengthen our root chakra.

On the flip side, although we can't really be too "earthy", we can be too "grounded."
If our upper chakras are closed off, particularly the crown and throat, we may be too reliant on our roots to guide us through life.
This can result in feeling heavy, stuck & grounded.
Not so much fun after a while!
There is more to experience, even if these experiences are still connected to perceiving nature more fully! We may suffer from depressions, ask ourselves: Is this it?
As with all the chakras, the aim of energy balancing such as reiki healing, is to make sure we are balanced across all our chakra system.
It is normal to have some chakras performing better than others, but the aim is to achieve the best balance we can across all of them.
Reiki often gets associated with the upper chakras, but the truth is, our roots are vital for mental well being & spiritual growth & ascension. In order to grow up & connect through the crown we need strong roots to support the "canopy".
To read more about the chakra system please go HERE. To read about the connection we have to all that is please go HERE "everything is energy".

I am a reiki practitioner based in Blackrock, south Dublin. For a Dublin reiki session with me, you can find out more about a reiki treatment HERE. Also you can find out about reiki classes, small reiki workshops covering all the reiki stages HERE.
I run reiki classes, from level 1- 3 which is the Reiki master teacher for those interested in learning traditional Usui reiki.
Contact me HERE to find out more. All you need for a session is to wear loose & comfy clothes! There is no touch needed for reiki but sometimes I do touch the head and the feet.
For more info, or to book your reiki session Dublin, please contact me
Caroline xxx