REI-Ki translates to Universal Life Force (REI) Energy (KI). Reiki was discovered for the first time by Master Mikao Usui atop a mountain in Japan.
Reiki healng energy is not the practitioner's own energy, but an external energy of a very high vibration. My experience of giving reiki is that it feels very peaceful, comforting & reassuring, and yet at other times it can feel intense and dynamic and energy redistributes around the body.
What matters most of all then, is a person's experience of receiving the energy in my reiki session Dublin or during reiki classes.
It is the experience of receiving reiki energy that has made it universally popular today.
Reiki can have profound positive energy effects on a person, and is usually experienced in a variety of ways. Feeling energy moving around the body, changes of temperature, feeling heaviness & lightness, seeing comforting colors, lights & visions. Or receiving messages in the mind's eye. This is because the high vibration energy of reiki creates shifts in the energetic body or luminous field.
Usually after a reiki session, a person will have reported different experienced with the energy
Reiki works by entering the body & re-balancing energy across the main 7 energy centers. The chakras. Many other healing modalities work on balancing the chakras such as acupuncture, Shiat-su massage & yoga. Chakras have been known for centuries.
Mikao Usui was originally a baptist Christian & he was asked by one of his students if he believed that people had innate healing energy, as Jesus did. (Jesus often refers to the "laying on of hands" in the bible). Mikao was intrigued him, and his quest for an answer enabled him to thoroughly study the bible as well as ancient religious & spiritual texts including sanskrit.
Not having found a tangible answer to his question of whether people could generate healing energy, Mikao went on a vigil atop a mountain in Japan. It is said he fasted methodically for 21 days and on each day he would remove one of 21 pebbles from his bag. Miraculously, on the last night, and when he was at the point of exhaustion, symbols entered his third-eye. These are the symbols of Usui reiki healing. Traditional reiki energy of the linage of Usui. (history of Usui reiki energy, Japan)
After receiving the reiki symbols, Mikao Usui is said to have performed 3 "miracles". The fist is that he entered a hill station where he could finally break his fast.

Instead of only drinking, which is considered essential after fasting, Mikao went ahead and ate a full meal suffering no stomach issues. The second is that he later stubbed a toe on a rock, and administered reiki which immediately stemmed the flow of blood. Finally, the daughter of the hill station owner had an abscess in her tooth, and Mikao was able to take the pain away.
Shortly after this, Mikao helped many people in neighboring villages. After a while he realized there must be a balance between giving & receiving reiki. By making food or contributing in some way. This way the energy is balanced between giving and receiving. Finally, Mikao started the reiki attunement process, attuning people to the reiki symbols. Reiki started to spread across the world.
Now Usui reiki is a very popular & universal form of energy healing.
I am an Usui reiki practitioner based in Blackrock, Dublin. I give reiki treatments in Blackrock, south Dublin. I also teach reiki classes including the reiki master teacher combined. Contact me to book your reiki session or hop on to the next reiki class x
