I am an astrologer based in south Dublin, Blackrock. For more information about Placidus astrology, Dublin, based in Blackrock please see HERE
I am also using Tropical Vedic Astrology to inform the birth chart readings & relationship synastry readings. All my astrology readings Dublin are based on understanding the major aspects in your birth chart, and you can read more about my natal chart readings Dublin HERE. For relationship compatibility or relationship synastry readings you can find out more HERE
Today I am going to introduce the Ascendant. Or rising sign. The ascendant is important as it often creates the primary tone of the birth chart by indicating the chart ruler, or planetary ruler.

Your natal chart or horoscope is way more than the position of your Sun. We all know our sun sign. Very important is also the position of the moon in our natal chart, the major planets, as well as the ascendant.
The ascendant is the rising sign - the sign that was on the eastern horizon when you were born.
It occupies the First House of your natal horoscope.
The rising sign can change within 2 hours of birth, so it is important to provide an accurate time of birth to confidently know your rising sign or ascendant.
The rising sign is the dawn of your personality. To put it romantically, as the dawn reflects the first rays of the sun as it it rises over the horizon, so the rising sign is the first indication of who you are as a person.
How you project yourself in the world. How you come across to others on first impression & includes your body or physical appearance.
First impressions are important. Although you are so much more than just how you appear at first glance, many people you interact with in your daily life may only "see" you on first impression.
In actuality, the influence of the ascendant is dependent on many other planetary aspects. Other planets may be in conjunction, square, opposite or trine the ascendant.
It is important to look at what other influences there are on the first house which the ascendant occupies.
What planets or celestial bodies (moon, asteroids), if any, occupy the first house?
For example, perhaps you have the Moon in the first house along or conjunct with your ascendant. Perhaps the Sun or Mercury is there. Perhaps there is Pluto, Black Moon Lileth & your ascendant - ALL in the sign of Scorpio - an intoxicating intense mix!
Also, if a planet is it its own sign which is the ascendant, for example Pluto in the home sign of Scorpio, there is added dignity. The potential for powerful harmony as opposed to potential disharmony or challenge.
Again, there may be multiple planets in your chart aspecting, or influencing, the ascendant in the first house of your birth chart. These can have positive or challenging aspects, "soft" or "hard" influences
The other important thing to remember about the first house (house of the ascendant), is that the ascendant there indicates the ruling planet in your chart. As the name ruling suggests, this is a planet that is very significant to your birth chart reading.
The ruling planet is the planet that belongs to, or is at "home" in, your ascendant sign. For example, if your ascendant is in Leo, your ruling planet is the Sun (because Leo belongs to the Sun).
If your ascendant is Pisces, your ruling planets are both Jupiter (and in modern day astrology, Neptune) as both these planets belong to the sign of Pisces.
If your ascendant is Cancer, your ruling "planet" is the Moon. And as a final example, if your ascendant is Aries, we will look to Mars as your ruling planet since Mars is exalted in Aries and at home in Capricorn.
Planets can be both at home or exalted in a sign, as well as in their detriment and fall. Whatever your ruling planet is up to in your chart - and how well it is aspected - will tell us an awful lot about you!
So the ascendant on its own tells us a lot, but as ever, it is part of a recipe of other influences which will tell us whether your ruling planet is in dignity & specifically, how, or how not...
I am an astrologer Dublin. I offer a psychological birth chart reading based on your time of birth.
As well as astrology natal charts, Dublin, I am also a reiki master teacher based in Blackrock, Dublin. I use my reiki experience to create a space of peaceful relaxation, and also do the astrological natal chart reading intuitively
Dublin astrology. Natal chart readings. Intuitive & psychological astrologer, Dublin. South Dublin astrologer, based in Blackrock, Dublin
Have a wonderful week, Caroline x