There is much written about Twin Flames. But first: energy & how it relates back to the Twin Flame encounter...
After a reiki session we can perceive the reality of energy flowing through our bodies, through the 7 main chakras of the body
Everything is energy and we all have an energy "signature".
We all have a luminous field or aura with its own unique type of energy.
Energy can be described around the body in different ways. Fiery, airy, earthy. A water person is described as mostly focused around emotion. Qualities of energy corresponds to a different chakra, or energy point in the body, and the aura that is dominant usually refers back to our strongest chakra/s
If we experience someone's energy as "airy", when giving reiki for example, the chakras may be particularly open or "breezy". Perhaps also, the crown is quite open. "Earthy", and by contrast the solar plexus and roots may be strong.
As such, it makes sense that we might be particularly attracted to people who have complimentary & opposing energy (opposites attract). Or, people whose energy is remarkably similar to our own.
When we meet someone whose energy is very similar we may experience a strong magnetic pull towards this person.
We are inexplicably attracted.
This experience of meeting someone who is very similar to us energetically can be an overwhelming experience of recognition.
It is as if we have known this person since forever, even across many lifetimes. As if we are immediately "at home" with this person. In a sense, we are truly, because the energy is so familiar to us, we recognize it as one and the same, indistinguishable from ourselves

With such an encounter, on a soul level, we may experience an "intuitive hit". We may even experience deja-vu. A flash back to other experiences we have shared with this person energetically. This may be the fist time many people have a spiritual experience, or awakening experience, in the form of realizing that the world is more than the material. We can be transported to other states of consciousness that seem very unreal. The natural & supernatural converge and this can be felt as uncanny, even scary, depending on how much we are taken by surprise by the intensity of the union.
The experience is transcendental in nature.
There are many books and movies which refer back to ideal love, or love transcending time & space in a moment of instant recognition, such as Dracula, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre &, more recently, The Time Traveller's Wife
We may refer to these people who have such an impact on us emotionally as soul mates, or twin flames
Whereas we may have soul mates who are friends, teachers, or romantic partners - twin flames are different
Some relate the twin flame partner to be literally half of our soul, or our "other half". Or the twin flame may just be another soul that resonates as close to us as is humanly possible, energetically.
It is said there is only one twin flame for everyone. We cannot have more than one twin flame. However, we can have more than one soul mate
On encountering our twin flame for the first time, we may feel overwhelmed with knowing this person & this instant recognition. We have awareness that this person is feeling the exact same as we are. We may have a feeling we can read that person's mind, finish their sentences. We may have a flashback to a past life that is vividly real & intricate in detail. A historical past we have not thought about until it comes back with great clarity. We may look it up & find that the historical context is accurate. Yes, there really was a Spanish Armada that sailed to such and such destination in 1601. We weren't just "imagining" things when we we fell in rapturous love with a dishy cook on board this ship, etc etc etc. And so on....
The connection with our twin flame feels very passionate, out of this world, divinely ordained...
The purpose of the twin flame encounter, however, is not necessarily for us to be involved romantically. Rather more, an encounter with our twin flame may happen at a time in our lives when we are the less ready for romantic love. The purpose of the twin flame encounter can be to help us change course in our lives, when our lives may be veering drastically (and even dangerously) off course.
In short, the twin flame encounter may be to Wake. Us. Up
The twin flame encounter is a form of energy healing...
Why this happens, I can discuss in my next blog this space!
Through reiki and other forms of energy healing we discover that underpinning the material world, is energy. All our encounters whether they be between strangers, friends, or romantic partners, are bound together by energy.
Our very connection to another person is made possible through an exchange of energy
With reiki healing sessions, we are able to shift and re-balance the energy of our body. When we come into greater alignment, we are able to create positive shifts in our lives. This in turn helps us to attract new experiences into our lives, including new & healthier relationships.
I am a reiki master teacher giving reiki sessions & classes in Blackrock, Dublin.
Have a great weekend everyone xxx
